If you are sick, or must enter the hospital for surgery or tests, speak to Father and he will be happy to annoint you.
Please contact the parish office (573) 898-2202 or speak to Father Tichacek to make arrangements.
See the Confession schedule under the Masses section.
The children to be confirmed (7th & 8th grade levels) will be prepared at the PSR classes. Home school parents, please talk to our Pastor to make arrangements. Adults not yet confirmed, please talk to our Pastor.
Please see the schedule under the Masses section. Youngsters prepare to receive their First Holy Communion in the PSR class. Older First Communicants are prepared by our Pastor.
Young men interested in the priesthood, please let our Pastor know. Please pray for vocations to the priesthood.
Please make arrangements 6 months prior to the wedding. Please pray for marriage and family life.